Saturday 8 October 2011

Raiding the Reserves is not a "Cost Saving"

There can be no more obvious example of waste by the JPC than its quarterly Newsletter, which has become a party political pamphlet on behalf of the Ruling Group paid for by the residents. Stale news and self glorification do not make a very interesting read. 

The JPC Newsletter has now been supplanted by much more professional publications such as the Stratford Herald, Henley Focus and Henley NEWS, all of which circulate much more frequently. Is it not time to abolish it and save our money?

The Autumn 2011 JPC Newsletter, like previous editions, has not been approved for publication by the Full Council.

The reduction in the Precept (Parish Council Tax) was achieved by utilising Reserves not by cost savings. This cannot be relied on to reduce the Precept in future years. It is also valid to say that the JPC could achieve significant savings, running into tens of thousand's of £'s and this must become the focus in future years.

It is also improper to use a council publication for party political purposes.